HomeCampaign ManagerContacts SearchUpdated Contacts Page - Search Results

4.2. Updated Contacts Page - Search Results

Contacts Page - Search Results

Once filters have been created, the search results will appear to the right. From here, there are multiple options:

1. Record Info: Info pertaining to the records found in the system based on the filter options selected. Note that the first nine columns are the default columns; additional columns will need to be added by going into Actions > Edit Columns.

If you check the box next to a record (or at the top to check off all the boxes on this page), then an additional Actions menu will appear. From this menu, you can merge the selected records, mass update them, or download call sheets for them.

Also, if you hover your cursor in the name box of a record, you'll see a Preview button appear. Clicking on it will bring up a small snapshot of their profile along the right side, with their contact info and donation history. Clicking the Previous/Next button will allow you to cycle through your various election periods to see the record's donation history for each period.

2. Search for a Contact: typing a record name or part of a record name will pull up any records that match with what is entered.

3. Actions: this menu consists of different actions you can take pertaining to the records that appear in your search results. Please see the help file Updated Contacts Page - Actions for more info.

4. + Create: this option will allow you to create new records.

5. Loading Results: the drop-down menu here will allow you to select how many records appear on each page. Note that the more records you want to display per page, the longer it may take to load. Also, displayed here are the total number of records found by the search.

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