HomeCampaign ManagerContacts SearchUpdated Contacts Page - Filters

4.3. Updated Contacts Page - Filters

Contacts Search

The updated Contacts Search page will allow you to search for records within the the system based on the filters that you select from the left side of the screen. The filters search can be saved in order to run the search at a later time.

To save a filter, enter a name and description, and then click + Add Filter Options at the bottom to select your search parameters.

When you select a search parameter, you will be presented with options to specify what you are looking for. For example, if you select Record Name, you can then enter values for Starts with, Ends with, Contains, or Does not contain; the system will then search for records based on what you enter. Note that you'll have to click the Add button for each search parameter that you want to add.

The Save button will allow you to save the filter and then run the search, while the Fetch Results button will load search results without saving first. If you do not intend to save the filter, you can use this second option, which will automatically set the name and description to the current time and date.



The Saved Filters tab will bring you to a list of every saved filter. Clicking on one will immediately run the search based on the options selected in that filter.


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