Home360Release Notes Links360 Release Notes - June 2017

99.6. 360 Release Notes - June 2017


The June Release went live on June 27th. This development sprint delivers enhanced security, Export and display of State Legislators, support of AuthO Single Sign-On for Webforms and PCS improvements.


The majority of this development Sprint was focused on providing greater level of security to our clients. Aristotle performs planned 3rd party Penetration Testing on all of our applications.  This development work was focused on addressing vulnerabilities described as "non-critical". Currently, no critical vulnerabilities are known to exist.

Export of State Legislators

You may now export state legislator data fields. If there are multiple state house or senate members for an individual's district, then the individual will appear multiple times.  


Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication for Webforms

To enhance your donor experience we have added a new Authentication Option for Webform called "Single Sign-On (SSO)".  The client has to support AuthO to leverage this sign-on option. When enabled your donor's credentials will pass automatically into the webform identifying the user to the system to facilitate action.

Minimum Requirements:                                                                      


Clients wishing to use this login protocol will contact their account manager with requested information and they will setup the SSO login.

Pledge Programs

To facilitate tracking pledges and recurring payment we have added an optional setting to Pledge Program to write filing committee to the Pledge/Payment when Pledge is set within Webform.

PCS (Political Contribution System)

Work was performed to streamline business processes to manage Check Void/Re-Issue process.


Aristotle Analytics

The development team has been working on a demonstration project where we will soon be adding business analytics support to Aristotle 360.  Upon completion we anticipate supporting a new client dashboard, new reports and other data visualizations. We also expect to increase the speed in which we develop reports.

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