Home → Campaign Manager → Online Donation Pages → Tab #2 - "Content"
7.4. Tab #2 - "Content"
The "Content" tab, in the Online Donation page, is used to add/edit the content on the page.
The numbered items below are found in the "Content" tab.
1. Maximum Donation: Allows the user to set the maximum donation allowed per transaction.
2. Custom Donation: Allows the user to add, remove, and edit donation amounts.
3. Additional Information: When selected, makes the information field a required section before submitting.
4. Tags: Allows the user to add a tag to every donation that is made through this page.
5. Political Statement: Adds a Political Statement at the bottom of the page. Can set an "I have read and understand" check box by selecting Require Confirmation.
6. Legal Statement: Adds a Legal Statement at the bottom of the page. Can set an "I have read and understand" check box by selecting Require Confirmation.
7. Back/Next: Buttons that allow you cycle through the tabs.