HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!How Do I Enter a "Primary Contact" for an Organization or Committee Record?

1.5. How Do I Enter a "Primary Contact" for an Organization or Committee Record?

1.1 How to Enter a "Primary Contact" for an Organization or Committee

1. If the primary contact does not have a record create a new individual record for the primary contact.

2. Open the record for the Organization/Committee record and click on the Connections tab.

3. Select a connection type from the connection type drop-down and search for the Primary Contact from the field labeled Connect With.  Next, mark the connection as primary by marking the checkbox Mark as Primary and click Add.




You can also create this connection from the Primary Contact's record. If you do so search for the Organization/Committee from the Connect With field in Step 3 instead of searching for the Primary Contact.

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