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Voter Manager

1. FAQs

1.1. User Roles and Permissions

The user roles and permissions grant members of the campaign different levels of access within the Voter Manager system.
  • To change a users role and permissions, in Portal, go to Manage > Team and select either the green Add New button or select Edit under Options next to the user you which to change permissions for.
  • Then, under the Add User Role drop down box, select which role you would like to assign to that specific user. You can also check whether or not that user has access to only the Portal, the mobile app, or both. Once you have selected the users role, click Submit.
A variety of roles can be chosen to give you the flexibility to choose which members of the campaign have access to certain areas of the system. The following are a list of current roles and their permissions:
  • Administrator (Under the user role column, this role will appear as "0")
    • Each account has one admin user who is the account owner
    • Has full permissions across the system
  • Campaign Coordinator
    • Full administrative permissions to the account
  • Volunteer Coordinator
    • Campaign staff role for someone who is creating walklists, managing volunteers, and managing phone banks.
  • Technology Coordinator
    • Permission to manage the infrastructure of the campaign's account, including the ability to create users, lists, and view reports
  • Area Coordinator
    • Full permissions to manage volunteers, walklists, and phone banks within their assigned area, typically multiple precincts
  • Precinct Coordinator
    • Full permissions to manage volunteers, walklists, and phone banks within their assigned precinct
  • Volunteer
    • Volunteer role who is canvassing and making phone calls
  • Phonebank
    • Volunteer who is only making phone calls

1.2. What is the Turnout Score?

The Turnout Score is a voter's propensity to vote within a range, from 0 to as high as 30 in certain states. 

The higher the score, the higher the propensity to vote, while 0 is the lowest propensity to vote. The chart below covers the point value for all the elections from a sample state updated through the 2014 General Election.

2008 Primary = 1
2008 General = 1 
2009 Primary = 1 
2009 General = 1 
2010 Primary = 1 
2010 General = 1 
2011 Primary = 1 
2011 General = 1 
2012 Primary = 1 
2012 General = 3 
2013 Primary = 1 
2013 General = 1 
2014 Primary = 1 
2014 General = 5

1.3. What is the GOP Primary Score?

The GOP Primary Score measures a voter's frequency in voting in a Republican primary within a range from 0-4. For example, if a voter has a GOP Primary Score of 4, they have voted in the last 4 GOP primaries; if they have 3, they voted in the previous 3 GOP primaries, etc.

1.4. Clearing your Mobile Device's Cache

Voter Manager's mobile web app is based on HTML5 and uses your phone's local storage to save walklists, surveys, and other informations about the campaigns where you are active so you can keep canvassing even if you are offline.

In rare cases though, this creates a problem for users when logging back in after closing their browser. It can also create an issue in rare cases where the campaign changes the survey assigned to a walklist that the user has already downloaded.

To resolve most issues where the mobile app is not behaving, we recommend clearing your browser's cache on your smartphone. Here's the exact sequence to follow for the best results:

1. Logout of the Voter Manager mobile app

2. Clear your browser's cache (instructions for specific browsers below)

3. Close the browser (actually close it, not just minimize it. Instructions on how to do this for specific platforms below)

4. Re-open your browser

5. Login to the mobile site here: https://vmobile.aristotle.com/


Clearing the cache on specific browsers


  • Safari: From the Home screen, choose Settings > Safari. Tap Clear Cache.
  • Chrome: Instructions here




Closing the browser on specific platforms

1.5. How do I upload data from printed walklists?

If you choose the option to print walklist, you can still upload that data into your Voter Manager account with this simple method:

To upload data collected from a printed walklist:
1. On a computer, go to the mobile site and log in: https://vmobile.aristotle.com/ 
2. From here, choose the walklist you used for your printed versions.
3. Go through the survey, filling in each answer with those collected from the printed list as though you were conducting the survey in real time.
Once done, your data will then be saved into the system.

1.6. How do I reset my password?

If you're having trouble logging in, you can reset your password by going to http://votermanager.aristotle.com and then click on the "Forgot password?" link. Your password will then be emailed to you. 

1.7. Pricing

Certain activities in Voter Manager carry extra charges. These are the typical charges for these activities but it is possible the charges for your account may be different. If you are unsure, please contact your Aristotle sales rep.

1. Live Phone - $.05/connected minute. (There is no charge if you dial from your own phone, you are only charged if you use the VOIP system inside of Voter Manager.)

2. Touchstone/IVR Surveys - $.05/connected minute.

3. Messaging - $.03/SMS and $.05/MMS.

2. Walklists

2.1. Create a Walklist


1) From the Dashboard, go to Walklists > Create. On the right hand side of the screen, select the county, city, and precinct you wish to target.  The system will then display all the households within that area that contain voter information.

2) Next, you can go through and narrow down your walklist based on specific criteria such as election history, party affiliation, age, gender, and tags using the filters on the right hand side of the screen.

3) Once you have filtered your walklist, you'll then want to select an export option. Here you can choose to export to walklist, walkist XL, or to file. Selecting any option will enable you to then draw a polygon around the households on the map you wish to include in your walklist.

Note* The "To Walklist" option limits the number of houses per polygon to 25. The "Walklist XL" option allows you to put up to 500 houses within each polygon.  The "To File" option limits the number of houses per polygon to 25.

4) After you have selected which households you wish to target, you then need to name and save your walklists.

After clicking 'Save', you will receive different options depending on the export option you chose above.

If you chose " To Walklist" you will receive the options to "Export and Draw More Walklist", which will record the walklist that you just cut, but will remain on walklist screen to allow you to cut more walklist (very useful if you have a large number of walklist that you need to produce), and "Export and Optimize Walklist", which will immediately take you to our optimization screen where you can set up the perfect route for each walklist.

If you chose " Walklist XL" you will receive the options to "Save as Unassigned", which will record the walklist and let you assign it to someone at a future date, "Assign" which will give you the option to immediately assign an individual to that walklist, and, lastly, "Save and Order Addresses", which will allow you to customize the exact path in which a volunteer will use to walk a precinct.

If you chose " To File" you will receive the options to "Export Voter", which means you can export the voter list in it's entirety, and "Export Houses", which means you can export a list of the houses (good for mail houses). Each export for this option will be downloaded immediately to your computer in a .CSV file.

2.2. Manage and Assign Walklists

Once you've created and optimized your walklist, you can assign it to a volunteer to start collecting data. 

To assign a walklist to a volunteer:

  1. From the menu, go to Walkist > Manage
  2. Find the walklist you wish to use and select the checkbox next to it.
  3. Go to the volunteer drop down menu, select the volunteer you want to assign to the list, and click 'Assign.'

From this screen, you can keep track of the progress of each walklist in terms of how many doors have been knocked and how many voters has been canvassed. Additionally, under the 'Options' button next to each list, you can delete, print, export, view the map, and rename your walklists.

2.3. Completed Walklists

Once a walklist has been completed, you can utilize this screen to see by which volunteers each walklist was completed by along with the number of houses knocked and voters canvassed.

To get to this screen, from the Dashboard select Walklists > Completed

2.4. Optimize Walklists

Optimizing your walklists will allow you to organize the order of your houses and make the most time efficient walking route to maximize your efforts. To optimize your walklists:

  1. From the menu, go to Walklists > Optimize
  2. From the Optimize (Unrouted Walkists) screen, choose the walklist for which you would like to optimize a walking route.  In order to optimize the route, click the blue "Options" button on the far right and select "Optimize".
  3. You will then be taken to the optimization screen where you will be able to choose either a Round-Trip or One Way walk route and select "Get Directions."  In addition to choosing between "Round Trip and "One Way", you can also select your starting and ending house prior to getting directions. This is essential for creating a logical starting place and a clean walk.
  4. The system will then optimize your route based on your specifications. On the right side of the screen, you can click and drag the order of households to improve your walk route even further or, if you would like, remove houses if they look out of place by click the "X" next to the address.
  5. Once you're satisfied with the order of your walklist, click 'Save Walklist.'

2.5. Walklist XL

2.6. Map Icon Colors

Households that appear on the Create a Walklist map are colored coded so that the user can easily identify whether or not a house has been added to a walklist:

Red - a voter has not yet been added to a walklist.

Yellow - a voter has been added to a walklist, but has not yet been contacted or completed a survey.

Green - a voter has been contacted and completed the survey.

2.7. Export Complete Walklists

3. Phonebank

3.1. Phonebank Overview

Voter Manager's Phonebank app allows you to make calls to voters via three different methods:

Own Phone: ideal for campaign phone banks with prepaid wireless or traditional basic landlines.
Dial In: ideal for call-from-home programs where the volunteer would like to use their own phone, but not display their caller ID. *
Headset: ideal for callers with a reliable internet connection who want to call voters using a headset and microphone connected to their computer. *
When you are ready to begin calling voters, login to Voter Manager at http://votermanager.aristotle.com. Your campaign's coordinator will provide you login credentials.
You should now be at a screen like the one below. If not, navigate to Phonebank > Start in the left navigation.
Select the Phonebank type you would like to use and click Submit. You can switch at any time during a phonebank session. If you do not see Dial In or Headset, this means that the campaign you are working for has not enabled these features.
NOTE: Once you select a phonebank type and click Submit, be prepared to begin calling voters immediately.
After clicking Submit, you will see a screen with information about the voter on the left and the survey on the right. Call controls will be below the survey.


Own Phone

When using Own Phone mode, the only purpose of Voter Manager is to input results of surveys from voters you reach. To call voters, simply dial the number on the screen on your own cell phone or landline. Typically this is when the campaign has phones available for volunteers.

* Dial In and Headset modes use VoIP technology and are an additional charge.

3.2. Manage Phonebank Lists

Under the Manage screen, you'll be able to keep track of all your created call lists and the progress made on each. From here, you can view each call list, it's voter count, numbers called, how many numbers are remaining on each list, and the user assigned to call that list.

Additionally, you'll have access to a list of several options for each call list.

To access your options, click the blue 'Options' button located next to each call list:

View: enables you to bring up a specific list to view each voter associated with that list.
Delete: removes call list from your Manage screen and deletes from the system.
Re-use: rename your list and reuse it for another phonebank session.
Voice-Mail: here you can enter a written voice mail script to appear in the phonebank for volunteers to read.
Assign users: clicking here will bring up a list of volunteers that you can assign to a specific list. You can also assign multiple users to a single call list.

3.3. Using Dial In Mode

When using Dial-In, Voter Manager will call your phone regardless of what type of phone you're using, then call voters displaying a Caller ID number purchased by the campaign. This is especially helpful if the campaign is conducting a call-from-home program and volunteers want to help but do not want to call voters using their own Caller ID.

On the Phonebank page, you will see two groups of call controls below the survey. The controls on the left are used during a call with a voter. The controls on the right are used to manage your overall connection with Voter Manager.

To begin calling using Dial In, follow these steps:

  1. On the right, click "Connect to Voter". The Status box should change from "Disconnected" to "Connecting".
  2. A popup box will appear at the top of the page, asking you to enter a phone number. The system will remember your phone number for future sessions, but either enter your new number, or confirm the existing number. After entering/confirming your number, press Save. Close the popup and Voter Manager will begin dialing that number.
  3. Voter Manager will now dial you. Just answer the phone and the system will dial the first voter, who is currently on your screen. You will see the Voter Call Status change from Disconnected to Ringing.
  4. If the voter does not pick up, but their voicemail does, press the Play Voicemail button only after the tone.
  5. Voter Manager will now switch you to dial the next voter and when the voicemail beeps, leave a pre-recorded message on the voter's voicemail.
  6. Repeat this process to continue dialing voters. Voter Manager will automatically dial the next voter anytime you finish a call with a current voter or leave a voicemail.
  7. When you are finished calling, simply hang up your phone.
* Dial In and Headset use VoIP technology and are an additional charge.

3.4. Using Headset Mode

When using Headset Mode, Voter Manager will connect to your computer's speakers and microphone, then call voters directly from your computer via the Internet. This is an ideal tool when the campaign has a robust broadband Internet connection.

 NOTE: Campaigns must have ordered a phone number to use as a caller ID for this to work. If you have any trouble connecting, please contact your campaign's coordinator.

To get started in Headset Mode, from the Voter Manager Portal at http://votermanager.aristotle.com, go to Phonebank > Start. Select the Headset option.

On the Phonebank page, you will see two groups of call controls below the survey. The controls on the left are used during a call with a voter. The controls on the right are used to manage your overall connection with Voter Manager.

To begin calling using Headset Mode, follow these steps:

  1. On the right, click "Connect to Voter". The Status box should change from "Disconnected" to "Connecting".
  2. Depending on your browser, you will see an alert asking for your permission to let Voter Manager access your computer's microphone. This is required for Headset Mode to function, so please click the button to allow access to the microphone.
  3. Voter Manager will now connect your computer to our system and then begin calling the first voter, who is currently on your screen. You will see the Voter Call Status change from Disconnected to Ringing.
  4. If the voter does not pick up, but their voicemail does, wait for the tone, then press the Play Voicemail button.
  5. Voter Manager will now leave a pre-recorded message on the voter's voicemail and will switch you to dial the next voter.
  6. Repeat this process to continue dialing voters. Voter Manager will automatically dial the next voter anytime you finish a call with a current voter or leave a voicemail.
  7. When you are finished calling, simply press the Disconnect button on the bottom right under Status: Connected.
* Click to Call and Gravity Phone use VoIP technology and are an additional charge.

3.5. Create a Phonebank List

From the menu, select Phonebank > Create.  This will take you to a screen that will allow you to set your filters and qualifiers for individuals to be a part of your call list.

Choose the area in which you would like to search for voters - select your county, city, and precinct. Apply the filters that you would like to use to narrow your results. Click "Submit" when you feel that you are ready.  If you submitted a criteria, but want to completely start over, just click "Reset" and everything will be set to the default settings (including the county, city, and precinct).

Once the system has had a moment to search through the database of voters, a list will display below the filtered criteria.  You will be able to see an example of what the data will look like as well as see a total number of voters contained within that phonelist.

In order to save the Phonelist, give your list a name and click Save.  The system will let you know when the list is saved successfully.

4. SMS Messaging

5. Touchtone Surveys

5.1. Create a Touchtone Survey

From the dashboard, select Touchtone Surveys > Surveys.

Click the green "New Survey +" button.

Fill in the survey name, time of start, time of end, and insert the phone number you would like to show up as the caller ID (times are set in the 24:00 timestamp).

Upload all necessary audio messages  in .wav file format.

To add a question, click the green "Add Question" button.

Upload your audio recording in the .wav format, enter question text (for your own records), then add the number of responses that you have chosen for that prompt.  You may have up to 9 responses per question.

*Note* To remove a question, just click the green "Remove Question" button.

Once you are finished adding all audio files, questions, and responses, click the green 'Submit" button.

5.2. Manage Touchtone Survey

From the Dashboard, select Touchtone Surveys > Schedule.

From this screen, click the blue "Options" button of the right hand side of the survey you wish to start.

From the dropdown, click Start Schedule.  The survey will then be activated.  Calls will begin being made at the date and time you specified in the creation of the schedule.

5.3. Creating Schedules

From the dashboard, select Touchtone Surveys > Schedules.

To create a new schedule, click the green "New Schedule".

From the following screen, fill in the needed information: Phonelist, brief description (for your own records), select a survey, select a date to run the survey, select a timezone, select the start and end times.

Select your phone list from the dropdown on the right.

Once done, click the green "Submit" button.

6. Voter Data

6.1. Voter Data Search

From the Dashboard click on the menu item called Voter Data > Search.

When searching for an individual voter, you can locate them by searching either their address or their first and last names.

Select how you would like to search for voters via the drop-down menu.  You have two choices: 1.) Name or 2.) Address

If you have chosen to search for a voter by their name, you must put the full name that the person is registered by (First and Last).  If you only know the First name of the voter, place a "#" in the Last name field.  If you only know the Last name of the voter, place a "#" in the First name field.

If you have chosen to search for a voter by their address, you only need to put their house number and street in the field.  For example: 7371 CHARTER CUP LN

Once you have put in the information that you have, click SUBMIT.

To view information on the individual voter, click the green "View" button on the right hand side. From the following page you will have access to the voter's profile within Voter Manager.

6.2. Saved Lists

Here you can view specific voters lists you've saved based on the criteria you filtered by. This is a handy area to keep certain target voter lists stored for easy access.

From the menu, go to Voter Data > Saved Lists.  From the following screen you will be able to see a list of saved lists that you have created when you saved a criteria to export voter data.

In order to view a saved list, click the blue "Options" button on the right hand side.  A dropdown will appear giving you the option to "View" the list.

Click "View" and you will be taken to a screen that will give you a list of individuals and access to their profiles.

6.3. Voter Tag Lookup

In order to look up voters to associate them with system Tags, from the dashboard, click Voter Data > Voter Tag Lookup.

From the following screen, click on the way that you would like to search for voters: Voter Name, City, Zip, County/Precinct.

Once you have selected your criteria, click the blue "Submit" button and the system will return a list of individuals that fit you search criteria.

Find the individual(s) you are looking for and click the tags (on the right) that you would like to associate with the individual(s).

6.4. Query Data

When you need to export a list/spreadsheet of your voters, you can do so in a very similar manner as when you're creating walklists.

To export a list:

  1. From the menu, go to Voter Data > Query Data
  2. Click "Add Criteria" and select the specific criteria you would like to use to filter down to your list of voters (county/city/precinct, election history, party affiliation, tags, etc.).
  3. Use the checkboxes below to pick the information you need for each voter - each checkbox will be a column in your spreadsheet
  4. Click "Export" and Voter Manager will build a spreadsheet based on the criteria you used and the checkboxes you selected

NOTE: Precinct data will be exported automatically for each voter record found by your search.

After you've clicked "Export" the system will send you an email with a link to your spreadsheet.

You can also save your search results as a list by entering a name and clicking "Save". Lastly, you can apply a tag to each voter record in your search results by selecting the tag and clicking "Save".

7. Contact Data

7.1. Using Contact Data

The Contact Data feature is a great way to keep track of campaign contributions, special campaign supporters, or endorsements.  Under Contact Data > Manage > you can view saved contact information and add new contacts, as well as edit or delete the existing contacts.

To add a new contact, from anywhere in the portal, go to Contact Data > Manage.  From the following screen, click the green "Add New Contact" button.  From the following screen, fill in the information that is pertinent to the contact (address, phone number, email, links to social network profiles, etc), scroll to the bottom on the page, and click "Submit" to add the contact to your database.

To view a contact's information, click on the contact's name under Contact Data > Manage > *Individual*.  This will bring up the contact's information which is entirely editable at your discretion.    

To add a note, select the Notes tab in the contact profile, then click the Add Notes button. A note field will pop up, to which you can add notes. To save, click Submit.

To add campaign contributions, click on the Finance tab in the Contact Profile, then click Add Contributions. Here you can enter the amount, date, etc. To save, click Submit.

To match a contact with their voter information within the Voter Gravity system, click on "Political" within the contact's profile or from the "Manage" screen, click the blue button, then select "Match Voter".  These options will allow you to match the contact with a voter profile via their name or address.  Type in the name or address of the individual that you would like to match, when the individual is shown to you below the search area, select the green button that says "Match".

If you have made a mistake and mismatched a contact with the wrong voting profile, simply go into the individual's contact profile under "Political" and click "Unmatch Voter".  

This can also be done from the Manage screen, select the blue button on the right, within the dropdown list that is presented will be the option to Unmatch Voter.

7.2. Manage Contacts

If you would like to add a new contact manually into the system, use this tool.

From the dashboard, click Contact Data > Manage

The following screen will present you with the "Campaign Contact" list.  To add a need contact, click "Add New Contact".

Insert all the relevant information that you have, then, click submit.

You will then be able to match the individual with their voter profile.  If you are not currently on the "Campaign Contact" screen, navigate back to it by click "Contact Data > Manage".

Find the individual that you just added to your contact list.  On the right side of their information, click the blue "Options" button.  From there, click, "Match Voter" from the dropdown list. Then do a search for the individual within the voter file we have on hand.

Find the matching voter profile for the individual that you are adding to your campaign contacts.

Click submit.  The individual is now matched with their voter profile.

7.3. Manage Duplicate Contacts

If you have imported information and the system detects that individuals have been added as a duplicate, this tool will allow you to merge the contacts together.

From the dashboard, select Contact Data > Manage Duplicate Contacts.

From this screen you will see all the contacts that have duplicates. To merge data points together, click the blue "Select to Merge" button next to each duplicate (there could be more than two duplicates for one contact, just select all data points that need to be merged). Once you have found all the duplicates, scroll to the top of the page.

From here double check all the contacts you have selected, if you see one that is incorrect or that you would like NOT to merge, click the red "Remove" button next to that individual.

If everything looks the way it should, click the green "Merge Contacts" button.

On the following screen you will be able to select which data points are the primary information for the individual. The greyed out buttons are the options that the system will take as being the information that you WANT recorded.

Once you are finished going through all the information, click the blue "Merge" button. The individual's information will now all appear under one profile.

8. Strikelists

8.1. Create a Strikelist

From the dashboard, click Strikelist > Create.

Select the county, city, and precinct you would like to have a strikelist within. Then apply election filters to narrow down your list to the target audience needed.

Click the blue "Submit" button.  The system will search for all voters that match you search criteria, once finished, the system will report the total number of voters.

Name your strikelist and click "Save".

8.2. Manage Strikelist

From the dashboard, click Strikelists > Manage.

From this screen, you will be able to see all the strikelist that have been created for the campaign.  On the right hand side of each strikelist there is a blue "Options" button with a dropdown of actions: Assign Precinct, View Progress, and Delete.

To assign the strikelist to a volunteer, click "Assign Precinct". Select the precinct(s) that you would like to give to a volunteer, then select a volunteer from the dropdown menu, then click assign.

*Note* To unassign someone from a walklist, click the checkmark next to the person's name.

To view the progress of a strikelist, click "View Progress" within the dropdown of the strikelist.

A popup will appear giving you some statistical information on Total Voters, Struck Voters, and % struck.

9. Reports

10. Surveys

10.1. Building a Survey

To begin creating your survey:
  1. From the dashboard, on the left hand side, click Survey.
  2. A dropdown list of options will appear, click Create to begin building a survey for your walklists or phonebank.
  3. You will then be prompted to create a title for your survey. Once you have entered in the title of your survey, click Save.
  4. To begin adding questions to your survey, click on the Add Page button and choose a page name (ex: Question 1) and click Save.
  5. Next, you will want to add the first question to your survey (ex: What is the most important issue to you?)
  6. Under Add Widget, select the type of question you want to ask or the method for which you wish to record an answer (ex: checkbox, radio button, email, etc).
    1. If you would like to tie the answers to System Tags you already manage in the Portal, choose the widget option System Tags.
  7. For the next step, under Add Option, enter in the answers you wish to collect data for and link them to the page you wish to go to.
    1. To link specific answers to different pages, in the Link to Page field, select either the page you would like to link to or if the page does not exist, just type the name into the search box then select Click here to add it. The page will then be added when you update the question. You can now also link your Next Page widget button to the newly created page.
  8. After you have added the answers to your question, click the gray Add Widget to Page button and select the Button widget option to continue to the next page of your survey once an answer has been chosen. Then Save.
    1. Note: In order for entered data to be saved, a Next Page widget button must be added. If you added a radio button widget, you do not need a Next Page button since the radio button will automatically go to the next page.
    2. If you want to add a text message on a page, select the End Page (Message) widget option.
  9. Once you have finished adding the question to the page and there is a button to take you to another page, click on that link to go to the next page. Now that you're on a new page, you can begin creating a new question.
  10. Repeat the process until you have set up all of the questions, their answers, and have linked them all to the correct pages until you have completed your survey.
  11. To complete your survey, you will need to create a page titled Final with an End Page (message) widget. Create a title to the widget (ex: Thank you for your time!) and click Save.
  12. Once you have saved your completed survey, go to the Survey List screen and change your survey's status from Inactive to Active. You are now ready to start walking!
    1. Note: Be sure to change your completed survey as the default survey under  Survey > Defaults. You'll want to set a default survey for each type of contact: Walklists, Phonebanks and Contacts added through mobile.
    2. To add a survey to a particular walk list, simply search for the walk list that you want and click submit.

10.2. Dynamic Surveys

11. Manage

11.1. Adding Users (Team)

To add users to your account:

  1. Under Manage > Team, click the 'Add New' button.
  2. Enter the users information such as name and email.
  3. The most important feature here is to assign the user a specific role. To determine which user role you'd like to assign and which permissions come with each, please refer to our User Roles and Permissions document in the FAQs.
  4. Once all of the users information has been added and their user role selected, click Submit.

11.2. Dashboard Settings

The Dashboard Settings page is where you can control what information shows up on the dashboard at login.

The settings are pretty straight forward here, the only things that may give you are little trouble are the Facebook and Twitter settings.

For Facebook, if your Facebook page address is: https://www.facebook.com/votermanager, then votermanager is the username.

For Twitter, if your Twitter page address is: https://www.twitter.com/votermanager, then votermanager is the username.

11.3. System Tags

Tags are a central part of Voter Manager and allow users to keep track of all kinds of information associated with a voter.  System Tags, specifically, are reusable tags that can be added to canvassing surveys, phone surveys, or added to voters via uploads and added directly to a voter's profile.

To create reusable System Tags, go to Manage > System Tags. Here you can create new System Tags, or edit and delete existing ones. Click the green button that says "Add New" to create your custom tag.

Type in the name of the tag you would like to create and then determine where that tag will be visible. The visibility options are:

Show on Survey: If Yes, this tag will appear as an option in the Survey Builder when adding a System Tag question to a survey.

Show on Portal Filters: If Yes, this tag will appear in the list of tags on the filters.

Show on Mobile Search: If Yes, this tag will appear in the list of tags when searching for a voter using the mobile app.

Using these visibility options, you can set up tags that are primarily for internal use (such as visible on Survey and Filters but not Mobile) or for volunteer use (visible on Mobile Search).

It is easy to edit the tags as well.  On the right of every tag, there is a blue "Options" button.  Click that button and you will get the following options: Edit or Delete.  If you would like to edit the visibility or tag name, click the option labelled "Edit" to make the look and integrate as it should.

12. Mobile

12.1. Mobile Overview

The Voter Manager mobile web app is an easy way volunteers to access walklists and other voter information on any tablet or smartphone.

The mobile app stores data locally on the phone, so even if you lose your Internet connection, you'll still be able to complete walklists.

Quick Guide

A complete help guide to the mobile app is below, but here are the quick steps to get started:
  1. Go to the mobile site on your smartphone or tablet and login: https://vmobile.aristotle.com/
  2. Touch the name of your campaign. You'll see a list of walklists assigned to you.
  3. Touch the first walklist. You'll see a map of the list and the first address.
  4. Touch the first address. You'll see a list of registered voters in the household.
  5. Touch the first voter. You'll have the options of: Survey, Refused, Voter Not In Home, Deceased, Unreachable Door, Literature Only, Not Home.
  6. To start the survey, touch Survey. The first question will appear.
  7. Touch the response to each question to record the answer. Touch the name of the next voter in the household to survey someone else, or touch Next House to move on.
  8. To search for a specific voter, touch the magnifying glass on the top right.
That's it!

Accessing the Mobile App

Authorized users, including both administrators and campaign volunteers, can access the Voter Manager mobile app using this link:
On this screen, simply enter your email address and password then click "Login." 
If you forgot your password, just click on the link in the "Forgot your password?" link. You will be prompted to enter your email address. After clicking "Submit" you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Campaign List

After logging in the user will then be taken to a screen that lists all of the campaigns they have access to. Touch the name of the campaign you want to help and you'll be taken to a list of walklists assigned to you.
Also on this screen are two options to update your app: Send and Sync
Send: If you completed any part of a walklists but were offline, the data will be saved on your phone until you click Send. If you see a number next to Send, like (15), touch the button and it will upload that data to Voter Gravity.
Sync: allows the user to refresh the walklists that are within the campaign. To Sync, touch the name of the campaign you want to update, then come back to the home screen and touch Sync.
Tip: To make sure you have the most recent lists and other information on your phone, always touch Sync when you login.


After selecting the campaign you want to help, you'll see a list of all of the walklists assigned to you. To start canvassing, touch on the name of a list. Once you touch a walkist, you will see a map of all of the addresses on the list as well as the first address to start canvassing. The next step is to touch the address that appears below the map. Once the address has been selected, the screen will show all of the registered voters in that household. At the top of the page we have the address and walking directions on how to get to the address. Below that we have the list of individuals who live within the household. Along the side of each name is their age, gender, and Gravity score if that information is available.
Any name with a star next to it is a targeted voter. This means they meet the specific filters for this walklist, however all of the voters in the household are displayed so you can walk away from the door with some data, even if the person you want is not at home.
To start a survey, touch the name of the person you want to talk to. The Survey button will become active. Touch it to get started, or one of the other options if the voter is not home or refused the survey. When you start the survey, you'll see the questions appear on your screen. The survey, customized by the campaign, will appear one question at a time. Read each question and the answers then touch the answer that the voter provides. Once a question is answered, the screen will automatically move to the next question. If the survey asks for voter's information, such as email address or phone number, enter it using your device's keyboard. Repeat these steps until the walklist is complete.
If you need to stop in the middle of a walklist, you can just come back to it later. Voter Manager will save your place until the walklist is finished.

**We have since included a "Complete Survey" button on every page of the survey. This is essential for the data to save appropriately to the database. The volunteer just needs to click that button once the individual they are speaking to has answered all the questions they are willing to answer.


Voter Search

In some situations, you'll want to tag voters who are not on one of your walklists. To search for a voter, touch the magnifying glass icon on the top bar, to the right of the logo. From here you can search for voters and collect data on them from place like festivals or local events.
You can search for voters using several different options:
Voter Name - the name they are registered with.
Street Address - their address.
SOS ID - their secretary of state voter ID, if they know it **Not Social Security Number!**
After you enter your search value and touch the Search button, you'll see a list of results. Touch the name of the person you're looking for and you'll see some basic information about them. You'll also be able to add Voter Tags to the voter. Touch the Voter Tags button and then you'll see a list of available options. Touch the tag you want to add and it will immediately be added to that voter.

12.2. Clearing your Mobile Device's Cache

Voter Manager's mobile web app is based on HTML5 and uses your phone's local storage to save walklists, surveys, and other informations about the campaigns where you are active so you can keep canvassing even if you are offline.

In rare cases though, this creates a problem for users when logging back in after closing their browser. It can also create an issue in rare cases where the campaign changes the survey assigned to a walklist that the user has already downloaded.

To resolve most issues where the mobile app is not behaving, we recommend clearing your browser's cache on your smartphone. Here's the exact sequence to follow for the best results:

1. Logout of the Voter Manager mobile app

2. Clear your browser's cache (instructions for specific browsers below)

3. Close the browser (actually close it, not just minimize it. Instructions on how to do this for specific platforms below)

4. Re-open your browser

5. Login to the mobile site here: https://vmobile.aristotle.com


Clearing the cache on specific browsers


  • Safari: From the Home screen, choose Settings > Safari. Tap Clear Cache.
  • Chrome: Instructions here




Closing the browser on specific platforms

12.3. Rally

In order to use the Rally option in the mobile phone, follow these steps:

1. Login to the mobile site here: https://vmobile.aristotle.com

2. Choose your campaign

3. At the top select "Rally"

4. Pick a tag from the first dropdown to apply to each individual that you gather information from. 

For example, if you are at a March for Life in June, you will want to make a tag in the system to remember that the contacts you make here are people who cared about pro-life issues and would probably like a mailer, message, or door knock concerning that issue.

5. In order to create a contact within the system, click the button that says "Create Contact"

This will bring you to a page where you can fill in all the information for that specific individual. This information is different than what is provided to you within you database. That voter history is called "Voter Data." The information you put into here will be associated with the section called "Contact Data."

6. Once you have put the individuals information into the system, you have two options. 1) Store Contact or 2) Store Contact and Survey. The first option will simply enter the individual's information into the database. The second option will save the person's information into the database as well as give you the ability to have them answer a survey that you designate.

13. Survey Monkey

14. MailChimp

15. Eventbrite

16. Anedot