Home360Financial TransactionsRefunding a Contribution

24.16. Refunding a Contribution

In order to refund a contribution, follow these steps:

1) Create a new disbursement in the amount that you would like to refund by going into the individual record, expanding Disbursements, and then clicking Add Disbursement:

2) Click on the Additional Details button and that should give you a pop up window.In the pop up window, enter in your desired refund amount, date the refund was issued, and then set the Type to Refund and Subtype to Contribution. Enter any other information you would like and then click the diskette icon near the top of the screen to save:

3) Once you have saved, scroll down and expand the section named "Add Transaction Links". Enter in the search information for the original contribution that you wish to refund. When finished click the blue Search button and that should give you some results. Click on the link icon to left of the transaction that you wish to link:

Your refund should now be linked to the original contribution and pull properly to your report. For instance, on the Form 3:

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