Home360Aristotle 360 APIAdd Individual and Receipt Info

93.11. Add Individual and Receipt Info

 Currently there are two web service calls that will allow you to accomplish this easily. The first one is used if you do not have an individual id (ind_GUID) value. In that case the individual matching will be done based on first name + last name + email address. If no individual record is found we will try to match it on first name + last name + beginning of the street line. If no match is found even after that a new record will be inserted. The web service call can be found at:


The second web service call should be used if you already have the individual id of the record that you would like to create a contribution for:


Note: receipts/contributions will be created with default receipt type/subtype information and for the default account and election period.

If you would like just to add a receipt record without updating/adding any individual information refer to:


and the two methods called AddIndividualReceipt that accept slightly different parameters.

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