Home360FEC Form 3X ComplianceSchedule H(4) - Data Entry for Transactions to Pull With Previous Years Allocation Ratio

42.13. Schedule H(4) - Data Entry for Transactions to Pull With Previous Years Allocation Ratio

This helpfile will detail data entry to pull a transaction to the Schedule H(4) of the Form 3X using the previous year's allocation ratio.

Summary of data entry:

The basic format for these transactions is that a transaction in the previous year must be created with Admin Previous Year Rate as the subtype, which should be linked to an event which has the allocation ratio that you want set. This transaction is then linked to the transaction in the current year that you need to have the previous year allocation ratio. This set up will pull the previous year's allocation ratio.

Detailed data entry instructions:

Example disbursements:

2.1.17  Example Insurance Company  Joint Activity / Admin Previous Year Rate - $143

2.1.16  Example Insurance Company Joint Activity / Admin Previous Year Rate - $0

Example event (create one with your desired ratios):

2.1.16 2016 Allocation Ratio 1.1.16 12.31.16 Federal:  28%, Non-Federal: 72%


In this situation, the 2.1.17 transaction needs to pull the allocation ratio from 2016 rather than from 2017.  Normally it would have the Administrative subtype, but for these transactions, it needs to have the Admin Previous Year Rate subtype to pull correctly.    

This is how the example illustrated above will pull to the Form 3X:

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