Home360Webform BuilderWebform User Options Tab (3)

95.4. Webform User Options Tab (3)

3. User Options Tab

This section allows you to match already existing records in the database by using the following fields as matching criteria. Fields that can be used for matching:

First Name, Last Name, Line 1 (Address Line 1), Line 2 (Address Line 2), City, State, Zip, Email, Source ID.



To enable a field for matching, first select Use To Match. Once selected, determine how to match this information. Information can be Exact MatchFirst Word Match, or Match First # of Characters.

First Word Match: Matches the first word used in the field this is applied to if multiple words are in the field.

Match First # of Characters: Requires you to enter a number value in the text box to the right of this area. Match occurs against the characters up to the number value entered.

Other Information

Other Information determines what happens when a match is not found in the database.

When this feature is enabled, it will add a new record to the database if a match is not found.


When this is disabled, an error message will be displayed to the Webform visitor when a record is not found. The error message can be customized via a text box that appears when DISABLED is selected.


User Assignments


User Assignments will allow you to automatically filter submissions into Categories, Campaigns, and Events.

Categories, Campaigns, and Events must already exist in 360 in order to appear in the select dropdowns.

Assign to Category: To use this drop down you must have Group Categories created first. This is done in Settings > Add/Edit Groups.

Assign to Campaign/Event: Create your Campaign or Event by going to Activities > New Activities Campaign or Events > New Event. In order for these dropdowns to populate with your campaigns and events they must not have passed the end date. If the end date has already passed, they will not appear in the dropdown.



Authentication allows you to limit access to only users that have a current record in the database.

Turning on this feature will prompt users to log in with a Username and Password.

Available options for Username are:  firstname.lastname, Source ID, Voter ID, Email (Home/Work).

Password options are: Source ID, Voter ID, Password, Home Zip(5).

You also have the ability to make basic information fields read only and to provide login instructions.


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