Home360Webform BuilderWebform Themes Tab (4)

95.5. Webform Themes Tab (4)

4. Themes Tab 

This section allows you to add your own Custom Header and Footer to your web form via HTML.  Most users will use this function to make the web form look like their website.

If you need assistance with your HTML, Support can provide you with a quote from our graphics department. 

 To enter the HTML code for either the header or footer of your web form, click on Click Here to Add Custom Header/Footer and type in or paste the HTML code you wish to use.

When you are finished, click Ok. 



You can change the color, font size, and style of your text on the form by clicking on any of the text section. This will only change the color, font size, and style of your text for that specific section (i.e. changing the Section Title to green will only show green on Section Titles). Note that changes cannot be previewed until you save the changes that were made.


When making any changes to the web form, you will have to click on Save in the upper right hand corner. This applies to any changes you will want to Previewas well. Before you can preview any changes, you will have to save first.



You can manually change and/or view the CSS code by clicking on the Customize CSS. Please note again that Support does not handle CSS or HTML coding.



The Confirm Options section will allow you to customize a Thank You/Confirmation page that will appear after a user has successfully submitted a form using your Webform.





Clicking on the Embed button will produce a window that will allow you to copy your Webform's URL, IFrame, and Embed code. You can then use these to link the webform to any external site you wish (you could place a button on your campaign or committee site, for example, and have that button direct straight to the Webform).

You can also place the webform URL into any mass email you send, allowing anyone who reads the email to move directly to your contribution/sign-up form. This can be very useful for fundraising.

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