Home → 360 → Advocacy 3.1 - Regulatory Advocacy Administration → Overview
5.1. Overview
Setting up Regulatory Alert follows a similar method used to create a legislative alert. A notable difference is the requirement to setup a target Regulation first, so the proper regulatory target may be called into the Regulatory Comment Wizard.
The Regulation setup is a simple search calling www.regulations.gov to call your regulation into Aristotle 360. After setting up the regulation the Administrator selects add regulation and adds a minimal number of mandatory fields, (Internal & External) Alert Name, Description, start date, Regulation, suggested Content and Thank You content, and you are ready to publish.
Aristotle Advocacy will capture advocate submission and write back to the individual, Agency and Regulation. The advocate Receipt ID will be capture and written to the Individual's action so you can verify the submission on the Regulations.gov website using their basic search. An integrated Metrics report will detail all online actions associated to Regulatory Alert.
Please note: Aristotle Advocacy does support submission of both a standard text comment as well as uploading attachments for those advocates wishing to submit more detailed responses.
Button Behavior Action Center 3.1 incorporates commands at the top of the page that are dependent on the state of certain entries and will change based on the status of your Regulatory Alert. For Example: Save and Save & Close Buttons will not be available unless you have entered the minimal amount of data. (Titles, Message and Targeted Regulation) to save.
Unpublished View Button State:
Published View Button State:
Minimum Data to Save
- Title to Display to Advocates
- Internal Regulatory Comment Alert name
- Message to Display to your Advocates
- Targeted Regulation
Minimum Data to Publish
- Title to Display to Advocates
- Internal Regulatory Comment Alert Name
- Message to Display to your Advocates
- Target Regulation
- Comment
- Thank You Fields