Home360Fly-InFly-In Participants

97.2. Fly-In Participants

Congressional Fly-in 

Organizations usually facilitate constituent in-person visits by flying in their champion advocates to Capitol Hill or to district offices.

In this section you can generate a list of your champion advocates.   You can also track advocate appointments with legislators.
After you create and save a congressional fly-in, you can add participants or import a list of participants
To add a new participant
Click on New Participant
In the Find field, enter the first or last name of the person you would like to add then select search. The results will appear below in the search results section.
Select the desired result and click save and close. 
To import a list of participants
Click on Import List
Enter the name of the list and select search. The results will appear below in the search results section.
Select the desired result and click save and close.

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