Home360Activity Management - EmailMass Email Wizard, Step 6

18.6. Mass Email Wizard, Step 6

On the Distribute step of the email blast creation, confirm the email blast settings, set the delivery date and time, send test emails, and launch the mass email.

Delivery Option allows you to set the send date/time to some point in the future, or set the mass email to start sending immediately once you've finished all the steps in the wizard. Choose Schedule Delivery to have the email auto-send at a future date/time. Select Send All Emails Immediately to send upon completion of Step 6.
If you are sending to legislator records or legislative staff records you will want to make sure you check the Include Legislative Staff checkbox. If you are not sending to these types of people you can ignore this option.
Email Alerts is where you can enter an email address that will receive a notification once this mass email has finished sending.

To ensure that no email address receives the email in duplicate, click avoid duplicate emails.

If you would like to send a test email to yourself or to any of your colleagues, click the Test Email button, enter the email address, and then click send test emails.

Click View Counts to view a breakdown of the number of emails that will be sent, the number of targeted email addresses that are unsubscribed, the number of email addresses that are linked to legislators or legislative staff, the number of duplicate emails included in the target list, and the number of invalid email addresses.

If everything is set up the way you want it then you can click the 'Finish' button to send it out per the delivery options.




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