Home360Release Notes Links360 Release Notes - January 2017

99.1. 360 Release Notes - January 2017


The January Release will go live January 20th. This Sprint represents continued development efforts focused on Agency Advocacy (Regulatory Comments Submission)

This multi-Sprint effort commenced in November and will be completed in February. Again, items related to the Agency Advocacy work will not be released until all interdependent parts have been developed and tested during our Quality Assurance phase.

In addition to these efforts we have picked up a few items relating to email reputation/Whitelisting and the creation of a new Disbursement Summary Report with Budget Report.

Agency Advocacy



Regulation Comment Workflow - User will access the Regulatory Comment section via a dedicated Regulatory Tab on the Action Center.


Disbursement Summary Report with Budget - This is a new stand-alone report that is a duplicate of the previous Disbursement Summary Report with the addition of two additional columns that include Disbursement Budget & Remaining Budget Amount when Budget is associated to political committee.


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