Home360SearchingQuery Builder

8.3. Query Builder

If you want to build a search that is more complex than the other, more basic search options, you can build a query. The Query Builder allows for you to select a group of search clauses that will work together to target any record or transaction that matches with the criteria you specify.

You can find the Query Builder under the Search menu on both the old and new layouts. From there, follow these steps to build your search query.

Building a Search Query

1. Specify a main search record: For this step, you will need to click on the drop-down, and select which type of record you want your search results to include. There are many different options available, but the most commonly used are the various entity types, such as Individuals or Committees, and the two transaction types - receipts and disbursements.

Example: 2020 donors


2. Begin adding search clauses: Once you select a main search record, you can begin specifying your search clauses. You'll see three options for each clause: a first field, an operator, and then a second field.

Example: Searching for a list of disbursements dated in 2020

If we left this query as is and ran the search, it would essentially target all disbursements dated on or after 1/1/2020.


3. Adding more search clauses: After setting up one search clause, you have the option of adding as many more as you would like. On the right side of the screen, you'll see the New Clause Type drop-down. Once you make a selection from that menu, you'll have the option of specifying another search clause.

Example: Searching for a list of disbursements dated in 2020, continuing the one above

4. View Results: Clicking this button will run the search with all of the clauses that have been selected. From here, you'll land on the same results page as any other search, and you'll be able to add extra fields or export the results from the options on the right side of the page.

Again, you can add as many clauses as you want to make the search as specific as needed, but keep in mind that the more complex the search is, the more difficult it will be to build it. Also keep in mind that the complexity of queries can also affect how long the system takes to run the search; it can sometimes be more time efficient to build a simpler query that targets more data than you need, and then simply export the data and delete anything that isn't necessary.


Other Options on the Query Builder Page

Edit Result Columns: This option will allow you to select the data points that will be included once you run the query. This can also be done after running the search (from the Add/Edit Fields and Calculations option on the results page), but you can so from here before running the search.

Also, if you choose to save your query for future use, additional columns selected here will be saved as well. If you have a query that you intend to run on a regular basis, you can pre-save any extra columns you want, so they don't need to be added to your search results every time.

Save/Save As: This will allow you to save your query for future use.

Quick Selection Management: And previously saved query will appear here. You can load a saved query into the query builder by clicking the Load icon on the left side of the query's name.

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