HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3x Criteria

24.1. Form 3x Criteria

1) Enter your email address to get a confirmation email once the report has been generated.

2) Choose the appropriate report schedule.

3) If the dates do not fill in automatically, enter the appropriate reporting period start and end dates.

4) Enter the date that itemization aggregation should begin.

5) Enter the date of the election that is chosen in #14.

6) Enter the aggregate amount that needs to be met for contributions to itemize and pull to Line 11ai.

7) If you want all JFC contribution memos to pull whether they cross the threshold or not, check this box.

8) If this is an amendment, check the box. Enter the report ID of the original filing that is being amended in the field labeled Original FEC Report ID. This can be found at the FEC website here: http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/candcmte_info.shtml. Enter the number of the amendment in the box labeled Amendment Sequence Number. If this is the first time this report is being amended, enter a 1. If it is the second time this report is being amended, enter a 2. Third, 3. Etc.

9) To let the system calculate Line 11a totals automatically, check this box. If you need to manually enter your previous Line 11ai and 11aii totals, leave the box unchecked and enter your previous totals in the boxes provided.

10) Enter your cash on hand at the beginning of the calendar year. This can be obtained from the Cash on Hand report located in Reports >>> Standard Reports. Do not use the register balance on December 31.

11) Enter your cash on hand as of the report start date in #3. This can be obtained from the Cash on Hand report located in Reports >>> Standard Reports or it can be obtained from Line 8 of the prior report from the FEC website here http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/candcmte_info.shtml. Do not use the register balance from the day prior to the report start date.

12) If you are a Party Committee and have a separate Levin account, enter your cash on hand in that account at the beginning of the calendar year. Do not use the register balance on December 31.

13) If you are a Party Committee and have a separate Levin account, enter your cash on hand in that account as of the report start date in #3. Do not use the register balance from the day prior to the report start date.

14) Select the Election Period.

15) Select the State.

16) Choosing None will sort transactions in natural order, putting Memo transactions directly after their Parent. If you rather, you can sort by Name, Date, or State.

17) If you would like to see a PDF copy of the report after it has generated, check this box.

18) If you do not want individuals' name Titles to appear (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.), check this box.

19) If you would like the FEC Reporting Codes printed on your report, check this box. This is not required by the FEC.

20) If you are filing a report for a committee that is registered with the FEC as a Multi-Candidate Committee, check this box.

21) By default, the report itemizes transactions based on the conduit's threshold per the FEC efile specs. If you want transactions to itemize based on the individual's threshold instead, check this box.

22) If the committee address has changed since the last filing, check this box.

23) If you would like the software to enter "Information Requested" into empty Occupation and Employer fields, check these boxes.

24) This text field can be used to explain a transaction in further detail or provide an explanation for an amendment. The character limit for this field is 4,000. Note: This field cannot contain any kind of formatting whatsoever, including using the Tab and Return/Enter buttons. Do not type up your statement in Word or Notepad and then copy/paste the text into this field either, as they may create hidden formatting that will cause the report to fail.

25) Rather than showing all payroll deduction transactions, the check box will force the report to lump these together for each individual based on the timeline selected in the drop down.

26) The software automatically calculates Column B totals, but if for some reason you need to manually adjust any of them, you can enter the PREVIOUS Column B total here and the software will use that as the starting number. Note that this is NOT a required step!

Note the text at the bottom of the criteria page. Line 23 transactions require both a Committee record and a Candidate record and those records need to be connected together through the Connections tab.

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