Home360FEC Form 24 ComplianceHow to Itemize Transactions From Only One State on Your Form 24 (Presidential Candidates Only)

46.2. How to Itemize Transactions From Only One State on Your Form 24 (Presidential Candidates Only)

Here is the process to itemize only transactions from a specific state on the Form 24:

1) On each transaction, click open the "User Defined Fields" section at the bottom

2) Click open the "Pres Prim IE State" dropdown and select the appropriate state

3) Click "Save" to save the transaction

4) Go to Reporting > Compliance Reports > FEC Form 24

5) On the parameters screen, click open the "Election Office" and select "President"

6) Click open the "Election State" dropdown and select the appropriate state

7) Enter the rest of the parameters fields correctly and click "Run" at the bottom

This will generate a report that has transactions from only the specified state.



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