Home360Arizona Compliance ReportingVoiding Transactions Not Originally Reported in 360

52.2. Voiding Transactions Not Originally Reported in 360

With Arizona compliance reporting, the situation can arise where you need to void a transaction that you did not report on a report generated from Aristotle 360. For instance, if you have been using 360 only since the beginning of 2016, and the transaction you need to void is from 2015, you will need to populate a specific "User Defined Field" on the disbursement transaction with the original transaction ID. The original transaction ID can be found on column A on the row of the original disbursement, on the originally filed TXT file (converted to xls).

To enter the transaction ID into the user defined field, just open the disbursement transaction and scroll to the bottom until you get to the "User Defined Fields" section. Click it open and paste the transaction ID into the "AZ Tran ID" field. Then click "Save" to save the disbursement and everything will itemize correctly on your AZ state report.

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