Home360FEC Form 3X ComplianceFAQ: How to Link Credit Card Memos to Outstanding Debts for Repayment

42.16. FAQ: How to Link Credit Card Memos to Outstanding Debts for Repayment

The process of carrying over debt across multiple periods is a tricky one, and requires some very precise data entry. It is a three step process:

1) The first step is to enter the three transactions:

  1. The original debt transaction, entered on your credit card vendor record
  2. The debt repayment transaction, entered on your credit card vendor record
  3. The memo transaction(s) showing where the money was actually spent, entered on each specific vendor's record

2) Then you will need to open each transaction and scroll to the bottom where you will find the "Transaction Links" section. You need to use these search fields to find all three of the above transactions and link them all together. The transactions must be linked together or they will not report correctly.

3) Then you will need to set the "Memo Group ID" to the same value for all three of the above transactions. An example is as follows:

  1. Debt transaction, memo group ID = A
  2. Repayment transaction, memo group ID = A
  3. Memo transaction(s), memo group ID = A

This will ensure that the memos only appear on your reports when the debt repayment transactions also appear. You can use any value you want in the "Memo Group ID" field, but it must be the same value for all three of the above transactions otherwise it will not report correctly.


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