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8.9. Using List Manager to export Lists

To export a saved list using List Manager, please use the following steps:

1) Select List Manager from the Search menu. Once in the List Manager window, click the lightning bolt icon next to the saved list you wish to export. You should see a dropdown menu appear that looks like the following:

From the drop down list, select the type of records you would like to load (selecting All will load all the records on your list, Individuals will load only the Individuals on your list, etc.).

2) In the Current Selection window, select Export Results in the List Functions box on the right side of your screen. If the list is larger than 500 records, click the link in the green banner that appears on the top of your screen to export the entire list:

3) In the Export Records window, select your desired export fields and add them to the Selected Fields using the blue arrow. Please note that the available export fields will be limited depending on what type of records you have in your list. Enter the email address where you would like to receive a link to download your final export file and then click the green Export Records button:



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