HomeVoter ManagerContact DataUsing Contact Data

7.1. Using Contact Data

The Contact Data feature is a great way to keep track of campaign contributions, special campaign supporters, or endorsements.  Under Contact Data > Manage > you can view saved contact information and add new contacts, as well as edit or delete the existing contacts.

To add a new contact, from anywhere in the portal, go to Contact Data > Manage.  From the following screen, click the green "Add New Contact" button.  From the following screen, fill in the information that is pertinent to the contact (address, phone number, email, links to social network profiles, etc), scroll to the bottom on the page, and click "Submit" to add the contact to your database.

To view a contact's information, click on the contact's name under Contact Data > Manage > *Individual*.  This will bring up the contact's information which is entirely editable at your discretion.    

To add a note, select the Notes tab in the contact profile, then click the Add Notes button. A note field will pop up, to which you can add notes. To save, click Submit.

To add campaign contributions, click on the Finance tab in the Contact Profile, then click Add Contributions. Here you can enter the amount, date, etc. To save, click Submit.

To match a contact with their voter information within the Voter Gravity system, click on "Political" within the contact's profile or from the "Manage" screen, click the blue button, then select "Match Voter".  These options will allow you to match the contact with a voter profile via their name or address.  Type in the name or address of the individual that you would like to match, when the individual is shown to you below the search area, select the green button that says "Match".

If you have made a mistake and mismatched a contact with the wrong voting profile, simply go into the individual's contact profile under "Political" and click "Unmatch Voter".  

This can also be done from the Manage screen, select the blue button on the right, within the dropdown list that is presented will be the option to Unmatch Voter.

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