HomeVoter ManagerVoter DataVoter Data Search

6.1. Voter Data Search

From the Dashboard click on the menu item called Voter Data > Search.

When searching for an individual voter, you can locate them by searching either their address or their first and last names.

Select how you would like to search for voters via the drop-down menu.  You have two choices: 1.) Name or 2.) Address

If you have chosen to search for a voter by their name, you must put the full name that the person is registered by (First and Last).  If you only know the First name of the voter, place a "#" in the Last name field.  If you only know the Last name of the voter, place a "#" in the First name field.

If you have chosen to search for a voter by their address, you only need to put their house number and street in the field.  For example: 7371 CHARTER CUP LN

Once you have put in the information that you have, click SUBMIT.

To view information on the individual voter, click the green "View" button on the right hand side. From the following page you will have access to the voter's profile within Voter Manager.

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