HomeVoter ManagerPhonebankUsing Dial In Mode

3.3. Using Dial In Mode

When using Dial-In, Voter Manager will call your phone regardless of what type of phone you're using, then call voters displaying a Caller ID number purchased by the campaign. This is especially helpful if the campaign is conducting a call-from-home program and volunteers want to help but do not want to call voters using their own Caller ID.

On the Phonebank page, you will see two groups of call controls below the survey. The controls on the left are used during a call with a voter. The controls on the right are used to manage your overall connection with Voter Manager.

To begin calling using Dial In, follow these steps:

  1. On the right, click "Connect to Voter". The Status box should change from "Disconnected" to "Connecting".
  2. A popup box will appear at the top of the page, asking you to enter a phone number. The system will remember your phone number for future sessions, but either enter your new number, or confirm the existing number. After entering/confirming your number, press Save. Close the popup and Voter Manager will begin dialing that number.
  3. Voter Manager will now dial you. Just answer the phone and the system will dial the first voter, who is currently on your screen. You will see the Voter Call Status change from Disconnected to Ringing.
  4. If the voter does not pick up, but their voicemail does, press the Play Voicemail button only after the tone.
  5. Voter Manager will now switch you to dial the next voter and when the voicemail beeps, leave a pre-recorded message on the voter's voicemail.
  6. Repeat this process to continue dialing voters. Voter Manager will automatically dial the next voter anytime you finish a call with a current voter or leave a voicemail.
  7. When you are finished calling, simply hang up your phone.
* Dial In and Headset use VoIP technology and are an additional charge.

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