HomeVoter ManagerWalklistsManage and Assign Walklists

2.2. Manage and Assign Walklists

Once you've created and optimized your walklist, you can assign it to a volunteer to start collecting data. 

To assign a walklist to a volunteer:

  1. From the menu, go to Walkist > Manage
  2. Find the walklist you wish to use and select the checkbox next to it.
  3. Go to the volunteer drop down menu, select the volunteer you want to assign to the list, and click 'Assign.'

From this screen, you can keep track of the progress of each walklist in terms of how many doors have been knocked and how many voters has been canvassed. Additionally, under the 'Options' button next to each list, you can delete, print, export, view the map, and rename your walklists.

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