HomeVoter ManagerWalklistsCreate a Walklist

2.1. Create a Walklist


1) From the Dashboard, go to Walklists > Create. On the right hand side of the screen, select the county, city, and precinct you wish to target.  The system will then display all the households within that area that contain voter information.

2) Next, you can go through and narrow down your walklist based on specific criteria such as election history, party affiliation, age, gender, and tags using the filters on the right hand side of the screen.

3) Once you have filtered your walklist, you'll then want to select an export option. Here you can choose to export to walklist, walkist XL, or to file. Selecting any option will enable you to then draw a polygon around the households on the map you wish to include in your walklist.

Note* The "To Walklist" option limits the number of houses per polygon to 25. The "Walklist XL" option allows you to put up to 500 houses within each polygon.  The "To File" option limits the number of houses per polygon to 25.

4) After you have selected which households you wish to target, you then need to name and save your walklists.

After clicking 'Save', you will receive different options depending on the export option you chose above.

If you chose " To Walklist" you will receive the options to "Export and Draw More Walklist", which will record the walklist that you just cut, but will remain on walklist screen to allow you to cut more walklist (very useful if you have a large number of walklist that you need to produce), and "Export and Optimize Walklist", which will immediately take you to our optimization screen where you can set up the perfect route for each walklist.

If you chose " Walklist XL" you will receive the options to "Save as Unassigned", which will record the walklist and let you assign it to someone at a future date, "Assign" which will give you the option to immediately assign an individual to that walklist, and, lastly, "Save and Order Addresses", which will allow you to customize the exact path in which a volunteer will use to walk a precinct.

If you chose " To File" you will receive the options to "Export Voter", which means you can export the voter list in it's entirety, and "Export Houses", which means you can export a list of the houses (good for mail houses). Each export for this option will be downloaded immediately to your computer in a .CSV file.

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