HomeVoter ManagerSurveysBuilding a Survey

10.1. Building a Survey

To begin creating your survey:
  1. From the dashboard, on the left hand side, click Survey.
  2. A dropdown list of options will appear, click Create to begin building a survey for your walklists or phonebank.
  3. You will then be prompted to create a title for your survey. Once you have entered in the title of your survey, click Save.
  4. To begin adding questions to your survey, click on the Add Page button and choose a page name (ex: Question 1) and click Save.
  5. Next, you will want to add the first question to your survey (ex: What is the most important issue to you?)
  6. Under Add Widget, select the type of question you want to ask or the method for which you wish to record an answer (ex: checkbox, radio button, email, etc).
    1. If you would like to tie the answers to System Tags you already manage in the Portal, choose the widget option System Tags.
  7. For the next step, under Add Option, enter in the answers you wish to collect data for and link them to the page you wish to go to.
    1. To link specific answers to different pages, in the Link to Page field, select either the page you would like to link to or if the page does not exist, just type the name into the search box then select Click here to add it. The page will then be added when you update the question. You can now also link your Next Page widget button to the newly created page.
  8. After you have added the answers to your question, click the gray Add Widget to Page button and select the Button widget option to continue to the next page of your survey once an answer has been chosen. Then Save.
    1. Note: In order for entered data to be saved, a Next Page widget button must be added. If you added a radio button widget, you do not need a Next Page button since the radio button will automatically go to the next page.
    2. If you want to add a text message on a page, select the End Page (Message) widget option.
  9. Once you have finished adding the question to the page and there is a button to take you to another page, click on that link to go to the next page. Now that you're on a new page, you can begin creating a new question.
  10. Repeat the process until you have set up all of the questions, their answers, and have linked them all to the correct pages until you have completed your survey.
  11. To complete your survey, you will need to create a page titled Final with an End Page (message) widget. Create a title to the widget (ex: Thank you for your time!) and click Save.
  12. Once you have saved your completed survey, go to the Survey List screen and change your survey's status from Inactive to Active. You are now ready to start walking!
    1. Note: Be sure to change your completed survey as the default survey under  Survey > Defaults. You'll want to set a default survey for each type of contact: Walklists, Phonebanks and Contacts added through mobile.
    2. To add a survey to a particular walk list, simply search for the walk list that you want and click submit.

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