Home → Campaign Manager → California State Report FAQs → How to Enter a Contribution to a Ballot Measure Committee
1. Create a new organization for the ballot measure committee. Make sure the following items are entered:
- Enter the name of the committee.
- Check the Committee checkbox.
- Set the Committee Type to "Ballot Measure Committee".
- Enter the committee ID number in the Registration ID field and select "CA" from the dropdown.
- Enter the committee's address.
2. Click Save. Next, find the Custom Fields section and click Show Fields.
3. Complete the following fields:
- Enter the name of the ballot measure in the CA Ballot Measure field.
- Enter the ballot measure number in the CA Ballot No. field.
- Enter the ballot measure's jurisdiction in the Ballot Jurisdiction field.
- Select whether the ballot measure committee is supporting or opposing the ballot measure from the Ballot Supp/Opp field.
4. Click Save.
1. Click on the Transactions tab, then click New Transaction and select Expense.
2. Complete the following fields:
- Amount
- Date
- Payment Method
- Reporting Code (usually "CTB")
- Reporting Description (if necessary)
- Election Period
- Account
3. Under Support/Oppose, click 'Support'. Search for and select the ballot measure committee in the field provided.
4. Finally, click Save.