HomeCampaign ManagerCalifornia State Report FAQsHow to Enter a Candidate Seeking Local Office

39.4. How to Enter a Candidate Seeking Local Office

1. Enter the candidate's record and edit the Basic Information section.

2. Check the Candidate checkbox. Set the Jurisdiction dropdown to "Local", and select the appropriate office sought from the Office dropdown. If no available option matches the office sought by the candidate, select "Other".

3. Enter "00" for the District Code. Enter the Candidate ID, and check the Incumbent checkbox if appropriate.


4. Click Save. Next, find the Custom Fields section and click Show Fields.


5. Enter the name of the local jurisdiction (e.g., "City of San Diego") in the CA Jurisdiction field. If you selected "Other" as the Office in Step 3, enter the name of the office sought in the CA Other Office field.


6. Click Save.

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