HomeCampaign ManagerFinancial - TransactionsContributions from an Intermediary (Conduit) or Earmarked Contributions (e.g.: ActBlue/WinRed)

10.16. Contributions from an Intermediary (Conduit) or Earmarked Contributions (e.g.: ActBlue/WinRed)

Contributions from an Intermediary or Earmarked Contributions

Earmarked contributions indicate that a contribution has come to your committee by way of another committee or Individual, called an Intermediary.  These are also sometimes referred to as Conduits.  (These are recorded as memo transactions on FECForm 3 Line 11a if the funds were originated by an Individual and 11b or 11c for contributions originating from a Party or PAC, respectively.)

Mary Smith, John Doe and Daniel Fishwhistle gave $1,000 each to the organization People for People earmarked for your campaign. People for People is an Intermediary group that has sent your campaign a check for $3,000 and a list of the three people that made those contributions. These earmarked contributions need to be added into your system but you need to record People for People as an intermediary and record each individual's donation.

Step 1.  Add the Intermediary
Via the Add/Search menu, add the intermediary organization record (People for People) if it does not already exist in your database.

Step 2.  Add the Individual Contributors
Via the Add/Search menu again, add any related contributing-individual records (e.g. Mary Smith) if they do not already exist in your database.  

Step 3.  Add a Contribution
In Mary Smith's record, go to the Financials section and select Contribution (Monetary) from the Add Transaction drop-down list.  This will bring you to a split screen with contribution fields on the right-hand side. Starting from the top, fill in the information regarding her $1,000 donation:

Lastly, click the green Add button to add the intermediary memo.

Step 4. Save
Complete the other optional fields and click the green Save button at the bottom to save the contribution.  Repeat steps 3-4 for any additional contributors.

 *Please note that the system will automatically generate the reporting description for the intermediary. (e.g. "Total earmarked through conduit. PAC limit not affected" )

(If the intermediary is another committee whose funds are controlled by your candidate, these are entered on Line 12 as Transfers from Other Authorized Committees)

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