HomeCampaign ManagerRecordsUsing Attachments

9.14. Using Attachments

Using Attachments

The Notes section allows users to store files on individual or organization records. For example, if your candidate took pictures with many top contributors, you can store those pictures on each contributor's record. Similarly, if you received an electronic invoice or contract from a vendor, you can store it in the Notes section of the vendor's record. There is a file size limit of 20MB.

Adding an Attachment
If you would like to add an attachment to a record:

  1. Search for the appropriate record.
  2. Locate the Notes section of the record and click the blue +
  3. Click Choose File to browse for the file on your computer. Once you locate it, select the file and click Open
  4. Enter a short description of the file in the text box and click Upload.
  5. The date field will automatically fill with the current date, but it can be changed to a prior or future date if desired.
  6. Click Save.

Viewing a Saved Attachment
If you would like to view an attachment that has been added to a record:

  1. Search for the appropriate record.
  2. Locate the Note section of the record and click on the Name of the attachment.

Editing a Saved Attachment
If you would like to modify an attachment that has been added to a record:

  1. Search for the appropriate record.
  2. Locate the Note section of the record and hover over the Name of the attachment.
  3. Click the edit pencil symbol that appears to the right and make the modifications.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting an Attachment
If you would like to delete an attachment that has been added to a record:

  1. Search for the appropriate record.
  2. Locate the Note section of the record and hover over the Name of the attachment.
  3. Click the X symbol that appears to the right.
  4. Click Delete.

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