HomeCampaign ManagerRecordsNotes, Log Activities, Tasks, and Meetings

9.13. Notes, Log Activities, Tasks, and Meetings

At the bottom of the profile record- Notes, Log Activities, Tasks, and Schedule Tabs allow you to track key information about your contact with individuals and organizations. Use this feature to record your correspondence and conversations. You can track both inbound and outbound completed communication, in addition to communications that require follow up. You can then use this communications history as criteria for high-quality targeting of your lists.



1. click the Notes tab to create a general text notation (Contact Searches can find records based on note keywords)

2. select the Note date

3. in the text box, type the text content to be recorded

4. click Choose File to upload a document that may be relevant to save on this record note

5. click the green Save button

6. the saved note appears below the entry area and forms a timeline




Log Activity:


1. click the Log Activity tab to record an activity that took place with this entity

2. choose the Activity Type: Email, Call, or Meeting

3. choose the date of the activity

4. choose a user in the system that performed the activity

5. type the activity subject

6. type the activity content in the description box

7. click the green Save button

8. the saved activity appears below the entry area and forms a timeline







1. click Create Task tab to create a new task that needs to occur with the entity

2. select the Task Type: Call, Email, or To-Do

3. select the entry date/creation date

4. select the Due Date

5. select the Completed Date- or leave blank for a future completed date to occur

6. select the user that this task should be Assigned To- this appears on the user dashboard as reminder for them

7. enter the Task Title

8. enter the Description text of this task

9. click the green Save button

10. the saved Task appears below the entry area and forms a timeline







1. click the Schedule tab to create a new meeting that will occur with the entity

2. select meeting date

3. enter the Meeting Subject

4. enter the Meeting Description text

5. select any other entities that will be attendees

6. click the green Save button

7. the saved Meeting appears below the entry area and forms a timeline




Timeline of Communications:



All of these communications form a historical timeline at the bottom of the profile which has filtered viewing options.

1. click Filter Timeline to select what type of communications you'd like to see

2. click Reload to apply the Filter changes

3. on each of the saved communications, an Edit and Delete button is available 




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