Home → Campaign Manager → FEC Form 3X Compliance → Form 3X - Schedule H4
Form 3X -- About the Schedule H4
This is a guide to assist you in using Campaign Manager to handle the Schedule H4 of your FEC Form 3X. This is NOT a substitute for the FEC's Campaign Guide for Political Party Committees -- be sure to check the FEC's website for resources on any legal questions you have.
What is the Schedule H4?
The Schedule H4 lists ALL disbursementsregardless of dollar amountfor allocated federal and non-federal activity. Because In-Kind Contributions are required to be reported as disbursements, they may also appear here if they are allocated as federal and non-federal funds. Transactions listed here correspond with Line 21a of your summary page.
How do I get something to appear on the Schedule H4 instead of on the Schedule B?
How do I change the information in "Activity or Event Identifier"?
If you see something in the Event Identifier box, then this is the name of the Allocation Group the transaction is associated with. These are managed in Financial > Allocations. Bear in mind that this will change the name for all other transactions related to this allocation group.