HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Line 18a: Transfers from Non-Federal Accounts (Schedule H3)

24.14. Form 3X - Line 18a: Transfers from Non-Federal Accounts (Schedule H3)

Schedule H3 - Transfers From Non-Federal Accounts For Allocated Federal/Non-Federal Activity

    Record Types:             Committee (Authorized Committee)

    Transaction Types:     Contribution (Transfer)

To be used to show transfers from Non-Federal accounts to Federal accounts for the purpose of paying allocable expenses.

Schedule H3 takes care of transfers in from Non-Federal. Follow the below steps to enter a transfer from a Non-Federal (State) account to a Federal account:

1) go to Financial > Internal Transfer
2) enter in all the necessary information, making sure to set the "Source" field to your Non-Federal account and the "Destination" field to your Federal account
3) set the appropriate "Allocation"
4) click "Save"

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