HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Schedules H1 and H2

24.37. Form 3X - Schedules H1 and H2


Schedule H1 and H2 defines the Federal/Non-Federal ratios for your Administrative (H1) and other (H2) allocations. These allocations are present on expenses in Campaign Manager in the "Allocations" dropdown menu.

Schedule H1

To get an allocation onto Schedule H1, you need to:

1) Go to Financial > Allocations and click the "New H1 Ratio" button in the upper right
2) Set the appropriate ratio percentage (28%, 36%, 21%, 15%) and enter the correct "Start Date" and "End Date"
3) Click "Save"

If this is all entered correctly, Schedule H1 will appear on your report and will look similar to the below screenshots.

NOTE: If your filing committee's "Committee Type" is set to "Separate Segregated Fund", Schedule H1 will not pull to your report. This is in line with the below guidance from the FEC:

"Under EMILY's List v. FEC, 581 F3d 1 (D.C. Cir. 2009), SSFs need not allocate administrative expenses, costs of generic voter drives and generic public communications. Nor do they need to report these allocations to the FEC."



Schedule H2

To get an allocation onto Schedule H2, you need to:

1) Go to Financial > Allocations and click the "New Event" button in the upper right
2) Fill out the "Name", "Type", "Federal Percent", and "Description" fields appropriately
3) Check the "Joint Allocable Event" box
4) Set the Type to "Fundraising"
5) Click "Save"

By checking the "Joint Allocable Event" box, an event directly linked to this allocation has been automatically created in Financial > Events! This is how you will control the date range being used for this allocation.

5) Go to Financial > Events and make sure the dates on the allocation event are correct
6) Click "Save" to save the event

If the date range on the allocation event encompasses the H4 transactions itemizing on the report, the event allocation will show on H2.



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