Home → Campaign Manager → FEC Form 3X Compliance → Form 3X - Reporting Transactions on Line 10 (Schedule D)*
Line 10 - Debts Owed by the CommitteeRecord Types: Committees / Vendors Transactions: Unpaid Bills |
Any debts or obligations created in the system within the report's date range will appear on Line 10. The report will also reflect any payments made during the period and the outstanding balance at the close of the reporting period.
Please take the following steps in order to create a new debt:
1. Go to the Financial tab, then to the Unpaid Bills & Pending option
2. On the next screen the Register will appear on the left and the Add Unpaid Bill (Accrued Expense) panel on the right
3. Complete all pertinent fields, including Vendor, Amount, and Date
4. Use the Linking tab to add any sub-vendors to the transaction or view the history of the unpaid bill
5. Once the fields are complete, click the Save button or the Save/Next button to add another debt