HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Schedule C1*

24.33. Form 3X - Schedule C1*

Form 3X - Schedule C-1 

Schedule C-1 is used to report detailed information on any Bank or Lending Institution from which your Committee has received a Loan. Schedule C-1 is required for all Loans.

First, ensure that the Bank or Lending Institution's Mailing Address, and Organization Type are filed out correctly. The Organization Type should be Bank/Lender.

To enter in a loan from your Lending Institution go to Financial > Loan Received 

Enter the Lender, Amount, and Date.


If you are linking this loan from an existing loan, select the box for "Funds from existing loan," search for the Bank or Lending Institution. Once the Institution has been selected and found, enter in the Source Rate, and the Date Established.

Assign a Due Date.

If there is none, select "None."

If it is due now, select "On Demand."

If the due date is a specific date, select "Specific Date" and then enter in the date in the drop-down calendar.

Assign an Election Period, and an Account.

Click Save.



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