HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Line 13: All Loans Received

24.9. Form 3X - Line 13: All Loans Received



   Line 13 - Loans Received

   Record Types: Committees / Banks

   Transaction Types:
Loan Received


Loans Received

Any loans received by the committee will appear on Line 13 of the Form 3X. In order to get this transaction type on this specific line, please take the following steps:

1. Go to the Financial tab, then to Loans Received

2. The Register will appear on the left and on the right will be the Add Loan Received panel

3. Complete all pertinent fields, including Lender, Amount, and Date.

4. Click the Linking tab to complete other options for Collateral and Guarantor if necessary.

5. Once you have entered in all the information for the loan received, click the Save button, or Save/Next to save the loan received and create a new loan received.

Another way to create the loan received transaction is to access the lender's organization record (usually a Bank), click the Transactions tab at the top of the record, then click the blue New Transaction button and select Loan Received. Complete the transaction by following steps 3, 4, and 5 listed above.


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