HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3X ComplianceForm 3X - Line 11: Contributions (other than loans)

24.7. Form 3X - Line 11: Contributions (other than loans)


   Line 11a - Contributions from Individuals/Non-Political Committees   

    Record Types:             Individual
                                       Organization (Partnership)

    Transaction Types:     Contribution
                                       Contribution (Partnership)
                                       Contribution (Earmarked)
                                       Contribution (Reattribution)
                                       Contribution (Redesignation)


Contributions from Individuals

1. In the individual's record, make sure the Employer and Occupation fields are filled out in the Basic Information section. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

2. Create a new Contribution from the Transactions tab of the individual's record. Set the correct Date, Amount, Payment Method, and Election Period.

Contributions from Partnerships

1. In the organization's record, make sure the Organization Type is set as "Partnership" in the Basic Information section. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

2. Each Partner on the check must also have information. In the individuals' record, make sure the Employer and Occupation fields are filled out in the Basic Information section. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

3. Create a new Contribution from the Transactions tab of the organization's record. Set the correct Date, Amount, and Election Period. Set the Payment Method to "Check" and fill out the Check Number.

4. Select the Linking tab of the contribution and select Partnership to enter each Partner's memo. Fill out the Contributor, Date, Amount, Election Period, and Reporting Description sections and click the +Add button. Do the same for each partner.

Earmarked Contributions

1. In the individual's record, make sure the Employer and Occupation fields are filled out in the Basic Information section. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

2. The Conduit's record must also have information. The conduit can be any committee record with a valid committee type. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

3. Create a new Contribution from the Transactions tab of the individual's record. Set the correct Date, Amount, Election Period, and Payment Method.

4. Select the Intermediary tab of the contribution to enter the Conduit's memo. Fill out the Intermediary Name, Date, and Amount sections and click the +Add button.

In-Kind Contributions

1. In the individual's record, make sure the Employer and Occupation fields are filled out in the Basic Information section. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

2. Create a new In-Kind from the Transactions tab of the individual's record. Set the correct Date, Value, and Election Period.


1. Both parties to a reattribution must have completed records. In both individual records, make sure the Employer and Occupation fields are filled out in the Basic Information section. Make sure an address is filled out and marked as Preferred in the Addresses section.

2. Create a new Contribution from the Transactions tab of the original donor's individual record. Set the correct Date, Amount, Election Period, and Payment Method.

3. Select the Linking tab of the contribution and select Reattribution to enter the reattribution memo. Fill out the Recipient, Date, Amount, and Election Period sections and click the +Add button.



   Line 11b - Contrbutions from Political Party Committees   

    Record Types:             Committee (Political Party Committee)

    Transaction Types:      Contribution
                                        Contribution (Reattribution)
                                        Contribution (Redesignation)

All Transaction Types

All transaction types for Line 11b are entered the same way as for Line 11a, except that Committee records with a Committee Type of "Political Party Committee" are used instead of Individual records.



   Line 11c - Contributions from Other Political Committees   

    Record Types:             Committee

    Transaction Types:     Contribution
                                       Contribution (Reattribution)
                                       Contribution (Redesignation)

All Transaction Types

All transaction types for Line 11c are entered the same way as for Line 11b, except that Committee records with a Committee Type other than "Political Party Committee" are used.

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