HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 3 ComplianceForm 3 - Line 20: Refunds of Contributions (a, b, and c)

22.16. Form 3 - Line 20: Refunds of Contributions (a, b, and c)



Line 20a - Refunds to Individuals

Record Types:                Individual

Disbursement Kinds:       Refund of contribution

Transactions:                 Refund of contribution


 Refund of Contribution

To enter a refund of contribution for an individual, go to the Individual's record's Transaction tab and select Expense from the blue +New Transactions drop down.


Then enter data in the appropriate fields, make sure the Reporting code is 010 - Refunds of Contributions, and save.


Refund of a Contribution — Memo

Alternatively, if you need the refund to appear as a memo, you can do so by repeating the steps above, but selecting the transaction type Memo Expense instead of a regular Expense. From there, you'll then have to use the same reporting code (010 - Refunds of Contributions).





Line 20b - Refunds to Political Party Committees

Record Types:                Political Party Committee

Disbursement Kinds:       Refund of contribution

Transactions:                 Refund of contribution


Refund of Contribution

 For Political Party Committees, you can use the same steps as 20a except you will be accessing the Transactions tab from the Committee's record.




Line 20c - Refunds to Other Political Committees (PACs)

Record Types:                Authorized committee

Disbursement Kinds:       Refund of contribution

Transactions:                 Refund of contribution


Refund of Contribution

For Committees other than Political Parties, you can use the same steps as 20a except you will be accessing the Transactions tab from the Non- Party Committee's record.

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