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16.1. Categories

Categories allow for adding additional descriptions to financial transactions. Using Categories when running reports allows users to keep better track of where money is coming in and where money is going out, allowing for better budgetary control. Categories will not appear on any FEC or state compliance reports and they are an optional tool available to all clients.

Category Examples

Categories are a way of describing financial transactions and can therefore be used to track items such as Office Expenses, Rent, Salaries or postage. They can also be used to track Fundraising events, tracking both contributions during the event and costs associated with holding the event, as well as mass communications including mailers, emails or phone banks. 

 What Shouldn't be a Category?

 Financial transactions are that already marked by the system do not need Categories. These include Contributions, Expenses, In-Kind Contributions or Expenses and the Election Period.


What is the Difference between Category and Category Type?

 Category Types allow users to link and track similar categories. The most common uses are fundraisers and volunteering. For example, a user might have a Category Type called Volunteer, with several categories detailing types of volunteering such as yard signs, hosting events, phone banking, among others. For fundraising, a user can create a Category Type called Fundraising and use categories detailing the different types of fundraisers such as BBQ, Pancake Dinner, Fourth of July, among others. By using a category type, a user can create a report for Volunteers in a single search, rather than having to include all volunteering types in a standard report.


Adding Categories and Category Types

 Adding Categories and Category Types in Campaign Manager is simple. To find the category submenu, simply go to the Settings option along the dark blue navigation bar.

 Once inside the Categories submenu, if you look to the right side of the page, you will see the area for creating new Categories. There is also an option to make a particular Category the default option. Users can choose what Category Type the new Category will be associated with as well as the Transaction Type (Receipt, Disbursement or both) associated with the Category.

Directly below New Category, you will find where you can create a new Category Type. Be sure to hit the Add button after creating your Category or Category Type.


Changing, Deleting or Renaming Existing Categories and Category Types

 To Change or Delete an Existing Category or Category Type, first click on the corresponding tab. In both of these submenus, you will see a pencil icon and an X. Clicking on the pencil icon will allow you to make changes to an existing Category or Category Type, while the X will allow you to delete that Code or Code Type. You can change or delete both Categories and Category Types in this area.




Can I make a Category Inactive if I don't want to delete the information?

 Yes, after clicking on the pencil icon in the Category List, there is a checkbox option to make a category inactive.


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