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15.12. Mass Email

Mass Email

The Mass Email tool allows you to send emails to large groups simultaneously, either immediately or at a scheduled date/time in the future. Depending on your contract, there may be a charge per email, if you want to know more about your specific contract as it relates to Mass Email charges, contact your Sales Rep.

Mass Email Manager

When you first select Mass Email from the Tools menu, you will see a screen showing your previous Mass Emails, their name, status, date sent, and the option to view a report on that email.


Selecting the name of a previous mass email will bring up a popup showing counts, number of emails sent, number of bounces, number opened, etc.

If you are searching for a particular Mass Email, you can use the Filter at the top right to search for it.

If you want to view the content and other information on a previously sent Mass Email, select the opened folder icon in the Open column to see a summary of that email. This will be identical to what you see when creating a new Mass Email, except that all the fields will be locked since this email has already been sent.

New Mass Email

When creating a new Mass Email, there are 5 steps. Basic Info, Create Content, Sender's Info, Recipients, and Distribute. You can navigate forwards and backwards through these sections as you complete them using the Previous and Next buttons, or clicking on the step you want to edit at the top of the screen. Also, at any time, you can save your current email as a draft, preview it, or delete it. Once all the steps are complete, you can send it.


Basic Info

The Basic Info section allows you to set a Title and Description. These will only be visible to users of Campaign Manager, and are used to keep track of previously sent emails and their content. Once a Title is entered, you can select Next to move on to Create Content. A description is optional.

Create Content

There are two ways to build your email which can be found in Create Content. The Stylized/Html content or Plain Text Content tools. Both of these tools can also utilize a previously constructed template.

In order to select a Template, you will need to have previously built a template using the Template Editor under Settings. If you select a Template from the drop down menu, it will override any previously selected template, and clear any text already in the editor. Remember to add your template first, and add other text afterwards.

The Plain Text Content allows you to enter plain text, either typed in manually or copied and pasted into the editor, but does not allow you to format the email with things such as center adjust, inserted images, embedded links, etc.

The Stylized/HTML Content accepts all standard HTML code, and also has a host of options included in the editor, such as Merge Fields, Click Through Tracking, Left, Right, or Center Justified text, etc.

Once you have entered an Email Subject, and added your content using one of these two tools, you can select Next to move on to Sender's Info.

Sender's Info

The Sender's Info section allows to you set the Email address and Name of the sender, as well as specify a reply to an email address, where replies to your mass email will go. You can also assign this email to either yourself or another user or individual in your system.

Once you have set these options, you can select Next to move on to the Recipients tab.


The Recipients tab allows you to select the individuals that you wish to send your email to. You can select either a user constructed query, or a system query, from the drop down list. If the list you want is not here, you will need to create it under Reports > Custom Reports.

You will also need to specify the email type, this tells the system what email to use from the records in question. You can select Personal, Home, Work, or Other, as well as Preferred Email, and All Email Types if you do not want to restrict your email to a single email type.

If you wish to send emails to addresses that had previously responded with a "Soft Bounce", check the "Include Soft Bounce Email Addresses" Option.

Finally, select Next to move on to the last tab, Distribute.


The Distribute tab gives you a last chance to review your selected options from the previous step, as well as choose to send your email either immediately or at a scheduled time in the future.

If you want to preview your email before sending it, you can select the Test Email option, and enter a single email address to send a test to, usually you will send this test to yourself so that you can review the email as it will be received by the individuals you have selected.

Once you have reviewed your options, and viewed your preview if you chose to, you can choose your delivery options. If the "Send all emails immediately" option is selected, your Mass Email will immediately be added to the queue and sent as soon as possible, Depending on the number of mass emails in the queue, and the size of your recipient list, this may take some time.

If you would rather send your email at some time in the future, select the "Schedule Delivery" option, and enter the date you wish to send this email out in the field below. Note: Dates and Times are based on Eastern Time.

If you wish to review any particular step of the Mass Email, you can select the Previous button, or simply click on the step you wish to review at the top of the screen. If you need to save the email as a draft to review at a later time, you can choose "Save As Draft".

Finally, when you are ready to begin, select Send and your email will be queued for delivery.

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