HomeCampaign ManagerQuery Builder and Financial Search ReportsFinancial Search

13.4. Financial Search


Financial Search is your go-to for financial lists, financial totals, custom financial reports and exports, plus viewing transactions for any accounting purpose- including compliance report reconciliation.


Financial Search is on the Reports Menu:



Financial Search is a two-page module:


1) Search Filters/Criteria Page

2) Results and Actions Page 




Use Financial Search to perform the follow tasks:


Search page

1. Find and View transactions in the database with criteria applied 

2. Create a Financial Summary with Aggregate Totals for tracking or use for reconciliation purposes including compliance report expected amounts.

3. Create a custom Financial Report with an array of Display Fields that appear as Data Columns

4. Search Actions



Results page

5. Save Financial Search Criteria to later come back to it and open it as a Dynamic report with an array of Data Columns

6. Export a static list of the search results to a csv/excel document

7. Mass Update: assign new field selections to a group of transactions

8. Mass Delete: remove a group of transactions form the database

9. Toggle back and forth between Results and Criteria page 





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