HomeCampaign ManagerRecordsOrganization Records

9.7. Organization Records

Organization records in Campaign Manager hold all contact info for a specific organization and serve as a location to view related items such as communications or transactions.



The organization profile record can be accessed a number of different ways:


Organization Record and Fields

Top-half of Profile


Section 1 (top-left corner)

Status: Active means this record will be included in searches and exports. Inactive means this record will be omitted from Quick Search and Contacts Searches and exports (often used for deceased or do-not-contact records)

ID: unique record ID number assigned during record creation

Profile photo: a unique photo can be uploaded otherwise the default building icon appears 

Org name, city, state, phone and email address: pulled up to the top from editable fields in the below sections. (clickable email link opens to your systems default email program enabling you to type a quick email)

Bio Description: for internal use enter any relevant info that might assist users viewing the record (example: "owned by John Doe, this company is a sponsor for many events")

Social media links - copy and paste links to quickly connect with the organization via their social media


Section 2 (About)

Name: assigned during record creation and continuously editable

Description: open text field to briefly describe the company

Org Type: choose from the dropdown table (this can affect how transactions appear on compliance reports)

Industry: choose from the dropdown or type to add new selection

Tax ID: if known and/or needed for expenses, enter their federally assigned tax id number

URL: copy and paste the company website


Section 3 (top-right)

Tags: type to search tag name, if none is found you can choose to add the tag on the fly (also created on the Settings menu, tags are used as identifiers and record groupings for searches and exports)

Call Sheets: click to export a call sheet for this record (created/edited on Settings menu)

Letters: click to export a direct mail letter for this record (created/edited in Template Editor on Settings menu)

Copy Contact Info: click to create a new record with this same contact info 

Merge: click to open a Contacts search when you suspect a duplicate record could exist (select found dupes and click little Action button to complete merge in Contacts)

Save: click to save any changes made to the record before exiting page

Delete: click to permanently remove the record from the database (irreversible- use with caution)


Section 4 (Sub-File Tabs)

Donor Insights: click to see a donation summary for your campaign plus contributions made to other committee's. (name and address must match what's on file with the FEC for data to pull)
Transactions: click to see an itemized list of transactions entered by your campaign. 
click Column Options to view more/less transaction fields, click New Transaction to create a new transaction for this record.
Connections: Click to connect this record to other records in the database
Pledges: Click to create/edit pledges that the organization promises to contribute
Events: Click to see or add events that the individual is invited to
Custom Fields: Click to pin custom fields for viewing (appears in bottom-left of profile)


Bottom-half of Profile


Section 5 (bottom-left corner)

Addresses: click Add to create a new address, click on an existing address to edit it, click More to reveal the trashcan/delete option plus view the date/time stamp and user who created/updated this info, click Cancel to close the More options. The blue star indicates the company's Preferred Address to be included in searches and exports. (Address type: Other is suggested for organizations which maps to compliance reports)

Phones: click Add to create a new phone number, click on an existing phone number to edit it, click More to reveal the trashcan/delete option plus view the date/time stamp and user who created/updated this info, click Cancel to close the More options. The blue star indicates the company's Preferred Phone Number to be included in searches and exports.

Emails: click Add to create a new email address, click on an existing email to edit it, click More to reveal the trashcan/delete option plus view the date/time stamp and user who created/updated this info, click Cancel to close the More options. The blue star indicates the company's Preferred Email to be included in searches, exports, and mass emails sent through Campaign Manager.

Custom Fields: when pinned by each user on the Custom Fields sub-files tab, they appear here. (create/edited on the Settings menu)


Section 6 (bottom-right)

Note: free text area, click to create a new note on the record, saved notes are seen on the timeline at the bottom of the profile
Log Activity: click to log a new activity like a call or email that took place, saved activities are seen on the timeline at the bottom of the profile
Create Task: click to create a task associated with this record and assign it to yourself or another user who will then see it on their home page at login as a reminder/to-do list. Saved tasks appear on the timeline at the bottom of the profile
Schedule: click to schedule or log a meeting, saved schedules appear on the timeline at the bottom of the profile
Filter Timeline: click to see specific entries when there's many to view
Reload: click to remove filters and show all entries once again


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