HomeCampaign ManagerForm 3X Compliance FAQsWhy Are the Wrong Dates Loading on the Parameter Screen When I Select the Report Schedule?

25.14. Why Are the Wrong Dates Loading on the Parameter Screen When I Select the Report Schedule?

When you are on the parameter screen for the FEC Form 3X and you make a selection from the Report Schedule drop-down, the system should automatically fill in the Report Date range as well as the Threshold Start Date. When you do so while working on reports covering financial activity taking place in the first quarter (Jan through Mar), you may see that the dates loading in are from the previous calendar year. This is because those auto-loading dates are updated on the backend by our Compliance team at the beginning of every calendar year.

However, due to filing deadlines for both FEC and state reports, the process of updating these auto-loading dates can take some time to complete, so for the first few reporting periods of a new calendar year, you may need to manually edit the dates to make sure they are accurate.

Also, even once that update process has been completed, we strongly recommend that you review all of your report's parameters before generating a draft to make sure they are correct. If you are ever unsure if your reporting parameters are correct or not, please reach out to your committee's FEC analyst for more guidance.

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