HomeCampaign ManagerFEC Form 24 ComplianceIE - Independent Expenditures Data Entry

21.1. IE - Independent Expenditures Data Entry


Independent Expenditures are entered as an Expense transaction with all the typical data entry for expenses: Vendor, Amount, Date, Election Period, Account, and Reporting Description for purpose. (in addition to any internal tracking fields like batch, category, memo)

There are 3 field specifications needed to distinguish these IE's from other expenses:

1. Reporting Code: select IE - Independent Expenditures  

2. Date of Disbursement or Obligation: this field only appears for entry when the IE reporting code is selected
     **Make sure that your dataset has a Custom Field titled "FEC IE Payment Date" - to trigger the Date of Disbursement/Obligation to appear.

3. Support/Oppose: The name of the federal candidate to appear with this transaction on your form 24 will need to be saved to this field indicating whether the IE is to support or oppose them. This candidate will need to have an individual record in your database with the Candidate field checked and the Jurisdiction, Office, and District fields completed.


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