HomeCampaign ManagerNew York State Report FAQsHow do I Enter Negative Federal Transfer that will Impact my NY State Report Positively on Schedule G

85.3. How do I Enter Negative Federal Transfer that will Impact my NY State Report Positively on Schedule G

1) On the state committee's record, save a new contribution transaction with an amount of the transfer, and make sure you enter a negative amount. It also needs to go into the federal committee's account, the "Transfer" box on the contribution needs to be checked, and a fundraising allocation needs to be set. This transaction will pull to the H3 on the FEC report as a negative.

2) On the federal committee's record, save a contribution transaction for the amount of the transfer, and make sure you enter a positive amount. It also needs to go into the state committee's account and have the "Transfer" box checked. This transaction will pull on the NY report on Schedule G.

3) Then, from either one of the above transactions, click the "Linking" tab and select "Advanced". Use the search fields to find the other contribution from above, and select it to link the two together.

Once that is all in place, you're done! This data entry will get the transactions appearing correctly on both the NY and FEC reports, and have the proper impact on the register for balance purposes.

Click Here for the related helpfile specific to FEC form 3X with images. 

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