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The "Compliance Field Modifications" Permission Setting
8.3. The "Compliance Field Modifications" Permission Setting
The "Compliance Field Modifications" Permission Setting
This feature in Campaign Manager allows you to prevent users in your database from editing or deleting any information on records or transactions that shows up on your compliance reports.
Here is a list of everything it controls:
- Editing/Deleting record Name field (Title, First, Middle, Last, Suffix OR Org Name)
- Editing/Deleting the record's Primary Address, or changing another address as the Primary
- Editing/Deleting/Updating the record's Employer/Occupation
- Editing/Deleting/Updating a committee record's Committee ID, Authority, Type, Registration ID
- Adding/Editing/Deleting/Updating a candidate record's Candidate ID, District, etc.
- Merging Records (via the Import Manager, Contacts search, the fundraising Import Queue, the mass merge tool in the Tools tab, the individual merge tool on the record screen)
- Changing any of the following fields on transactions:
- Deleting the transaction itself
- Entity name (Contributor/Vendor name)
- Amount
- Date
- Reporting Description
- Reporting Code
- Support/Oppose
- Bank Account
- Election Period
- Allocation/Event
- Force Itemize
- Force Unitemize