HomeCampaign ManagerForm 3X Compliance FAQsHow to Enter an Independent Expenditure Estimate

25.10. How to Enter an Independent Expenditure Estimate

Independent Expenditure Estimates

To enter this into Campaign Manager, simply follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over the "Register" tab on the top navigation bar and select the "Memo Expense" transaction
  2. Fill in the vendor, the amount, and the date of the estimate
  3. In the "Reporting Code" dropdown menu, select the “IE – Independent Expenditure” reporting code
  4. Enter any additional info about the estimate in the "Reporting Description" field, which will pull onto your FEC report
  5. In the "Support/Oppose" field, enter the supported/opposing candidate
  6. Link the memo expense to an Unpaid Bill with the same date, using the Linking >>> Advance Linking tab.
  7. Click the "Save" button at the bottom

This memo expense will pull to your FEC Reports as cash-impact until it is officially paid, and then will automatically change to memo.


To officially pay it, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over the "Register" tab on the top navigation bar and select the "Expense" transaction (do NOT use memo expense, the expense transaction must be used)
  2. Fill in the vendor, the amount, and the date
  3. In the "Reporting Code" dropdown menu, select the “IE – Independent Expenditure” reporting code
  4. Enter whatever additional info you may need into the "Reporting Description" field
  5. In the "Support/Oppose" field, enter the supported/opposing candidate
  6. Underneath the "Amount" field, click the "Linking" tab and select "Advanced"
  7. In the "Link to Disbursement" field, enter the vendor record's name and click it to select it when it appears in the window below
  8. Click open the "Recent Records" dropdown, find the memo expense you entered previously, and click it to select it
  9. Click the "Save" button at the bottom

By using the advanced linking feature, you're telling Campaign Manager that this expense is acting as the payment for the memo expense IE estimate you already entered. Now this new transaction will take over as cash-impact on your FEC reports and the estimate will become a memo.

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