HomeCampaign ManagerFrequently Asked Questions!Targeted Victory Integration - Importing Records and Transactions using an API token

1.14. Targeted Victory Integration - Importing Records and Transactions using an API token

If you are looking to integrate Targeted Victory using API/webhook, send an email to support@aristotle.com requesting an API Access Token. There is nothing extra to do on the Campaign Manager side once we send you back the Access Token!

All the setup of the API/webhook is on the Targeted Victory side of things. See below for some screenshots and steps on what needs to be entered into your Targeted Victory account:

1) Go to Client Admin > Donation Page > Analytics
2) In the "Aristotle API Token" field, enter the API Access Token provided by Aristotle Support
3) Click the "Save Aristotle API Token" button

That's it! Two important pieces of information to keep in mind when you integrate your Targeted Victory account with your Campaign Manager database:

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